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Community News

Hello fellow 3ds Max users,

OSGExp 1.1.0 has just been released. You can download the installer or source code from the downloads page (http://goo.gl/Q7KKD).

This version supports the latest 3ds Max 2014 release. Please note, Autodesk has discontinued 3ds Max for 32-bit platforms starting with 2014. This means the 32-bit installer will only work with 3ds Max 2013 and below.

I am happy to announce that osgEarth 2.4 has arrived! osgEarth is a terrain engine SDK built on top of OpenSceneGraph. You can read the 2.4 Release Notes here: http://goo.gl/JVpQN

I would love to announce the release of the osgNoesisGUI project, which integrates OSG and the NoesisGUI libary to make use of XAML based UIs in your 3D applications! It is managed on GitHub:


The openscenegraph.com website needs the community help to complete the migration from the old trac server (openscenegraph.org) to the new joomla site. Visit the section Migration Tasks to see what is being done and where you can help.

The new osgRecipes project's main and only goal is to integrate as more as possible third-party libraries/SDKs with OSG to make use of both features. It is in public domain, so feel free to make use of everything here.

The website: https://github.com/xarray/osgRecipes

The WIKI page: https://github.com/xarray/osgRecipes/wiki

Use GIT to check out: https://github.com/xarray/osgRecipes.git