/ osgNoesisGUI released with NoesisGUI 0.9.8


osgNoesisGUI released with NoesisGUI 0.9.8

I would love to announce the release of the osgNoesisGUI project, which integrates OSG and the NoesisGUI libary to make use of XAML based UIs in your 3D applications! It is managed on GitHub:




NoesisGUI is a modern user interface framework built on hardware accelerated vector graphics.It is based on a multithreaded architecture and supports a wide subset of the XAML standard. Developers can make use of Microsoft Expression Blend or any other editors to design the visual aspect of their 3D UIs. You may learn more of the NoesisEngine and NoesisGUI at:


And you may download the latest version of NoesisGUI at its forum:


Version 0.9.8 or higher is compatible with current osgNoesisGUI wrappers and samples.

Thanks to the NoesisEngine develop team for helping publish the OSG bindings and hope the OSG community benefit from this new UI framework!