/ Press Releases


Press Releases

OpenSceneGraph 3.6 release

PERTHSHIRE, Scotland - 7th April 2018 - OpenSceneGraph Professional Services announces the release of OpenSceneGraph 3.6.0, the industry's leading open-source scene graph technology, designed to accelerate application development and improve 3D graphics performance. The OpenSceneGraph is written entirely in Standard C++ and built upon OpenGL (1.2 to 4.6) and OpenGL ES (1.0 to 3.0), and offers developers working in the visual simulation, game development, virtual reality, scientific visualization and modelling markets. OpenSceneGraph 3.6 runs on all Microsoft Windows platforms, Apple OS/X, iOS, GNU/Linux, Android, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX and FreeBSD operating systems.

Updates include:

  • OpenThreads::Affinity introduced to enable setting of processor affinity on viewer and database threads
  • osgText rewritten to improve visual quality, add signed distance field support and full GLES2/3 and GL3/4 support
  • Added VertexArrayObject support, enable full OpenGL Core Profile support under OSX.
  • Added OpenCASCADE plugin
  • Added STEP (.stp) plugin
  • Improvements to FBX and COLLADA loaders
  • Improvements to gles plugin to provide better Sketchfab support
  • Added osgemscripten example
  • Improvements to osgAnimation
  • NodeVisitor ValueMap for storing values that can be stored and accessed across frames, such as update, event and cull traversals
  • ShapeDrawable rewritten as an osg::Geometry to improve performance and flexibility
  • Added osg::MultiDrawArrays support
  • Added osgdeferred example that illustrates how to implement deferred rendering
  • Added MultiDrawIndirect support
  • Moved glDispatchCompute control out of osg::Program into a dedicated osg::DispatchCompute class to improve flexibility of compute shaders
  • KdTree support added for PolytopeIntersector, and ability to work with points, lines and polygons
  • osgQt has been moved out to it's own dedicated osgQt github repository
  • CMake build support for iOS bitcode builds
  • CoverityScan testing introduced, fixes bring defect density to 0.0 per 1,0000 lines of code!
  • Support for Codedoc automated documentation
  • Support for Travis automated build system

Downloads and Licensing:

OpenSceneGraph is open-source, so full source code is provided, and can be copied, modified and used free of charge for commercial and non-commercial use. Access to the source allows end users greater flexibility in how they develop, debug and deploy their applications. They gain productivity and freedom by being able to leverage the tool chain in accordance with their own release cycles. Downloads of binaries and source can be found at http://www.openscenegraph.org/index.php/download-section/stable-releases and at our github repository https://github.com/openscenegraph/OpenSceneGraph/.

OpenSceneGraph is released under the OpenSceneGraph Public License, which is based on the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL), permitting the software to be used free of charge across the full spectrum of commercial and open-source applications. Furthermore, it allows both static and dynamic linking of the OpenSceneGraph libraries without restricting the licensing of the user's software. Further details http://www.openscenegraph.org/index.php/about/licensing

Professional support and services:

OpenSceneGraph project is backed up with professional services by OpenSceneGraph Professional Services, based in Scotland, and a range of Contractors from around the world http://www.openscenegraph.org/index.php/support/professional-support. For enquires email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Services available include:

    Confidential Professional Support
    Bespoke development

Community support and contributions:

The diverse and growing community of over 5000 developers is centred around the public osg-users mailing list/forum, where members discuss how best to use OpenSceneGraph, provide mutual support, and coordinate development of new features and bug fixes. Members of this community come from many different countries with backgrounds ranging from some of the world's largest aerospace companies, game companies, and visual simulation specialists to university researchers, students and hobbyists.

The OpenSceneGraph project owes a great deal to the community for its development and support, in particular we wish to thank the 568 individuals from around the world that have directly contributed to the development and refinement of the OpenSceneGraph code base.

OpenSceneGraph 3.4.1 release is maintenance release that provide build/runtime improvements and better GLES support

PERTHSHIRE, Scotland - 28th August 2017 - OpenSceneGraph Professional Services announces the release of OpenSceneGraph 3.4.1, the industry's leading open-source scene graph technology, designed to accelerate application development and improve 3D graphics performance. OpenSceneGraph 3.4 written entirely in Standard C++ and built upon OpenGL, offers developers working in the visual simulation, game development, virtual reality, scientific visualization and modelling markets - a real-time visualization tool which eclipses commercial scene graph toolkits in functionality, stability and performance. OpenSceneGraph 3.4.1 runs on all Microsoft Windows platforms, Apple OS/X, IOS, GNU/Linux, Android, IRIX, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX and FreeBSD operating systems.
Updates include:

  * Improves to GLES support across platforms
  * Full support for osgText and on screen stats across all platforms, including GLES2 and core profile
  * Build fixes to allow compilation against recent 3rd party dependency changes
  * Range of runtime fixes

Download Source Code:

Github tag for 3.4.1 : https://github.com/openscenegraph/OpenSceneGraph/tree/OpenSceneGraph-3.4.1

git clone --branch OpenSceneGraph-3.4.1 https://github.com/openscenegraph/OpenSceneGraph.git


OpenSceneGraph is open-source, so full source code is provided, and can be copied, modified and used free of charge for commercial and non-commercial use. Access to the source allows end users greater flexibility in how they develop, debug and deploy their applications. They gain productivity and freedom by being able to leverage the tool chain in accordance with their own release cycles. Downloads of binaries and source can be found in the Downloads section of the openscenegraph.org website.

OpenSceneGraph is released under the OpenSceneGraph Public License, which is based on the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL), permitting the software to be used free of charge across the full spectrum of commercial and open-source applications. Furthermore, it allows both static and dynamic linking of the OpenSceneGraph libraries without restricting the licensing of the user's software.


Professional support and services

OpenSceneGraph project is backed up with professional services by OpenSceneGraph Professional Services, based in Scotland, and a range of Contractors from around the world. Services available include:

    Confidential Professional Support
    Bespoke development

Community support and contributions:
The diverse and growing community of over 5000 developers is centred around the public osg-users mailing list/forum, where members discuss how best to use OpenSceneGraph, provide mutual support, and coordinate development of new features and bug fixes. Members of this community come from many different countries with backgrounds ranging from some of the world's largest aerospace companies, game companies, and visual simulation specialists to university researchers, students and hobbyists.

The OpenSceneGraph project owes a great deal to the community for its development and support, in particular we wish to thank the 550 individuals from around the world that have directly contributed to the development and refinement of the OpenSceneGraph code base.

OpenSceneGraph 3.2 release improves support iOS and Android, supports a range of new OpenGL features much more.

PERTHSHIRE, Scotland - 24th July 2013 - OpenSceneGraph Professional Services announces the release of OpenSceneGraph 3.2, the industry's leading open-source scene graph technology, designed to accelerate application development and improve 3D graphics performance. OpenSceneGraph 3.2 written entirely in Standard C++ and built upon OpenGL, offers developers working in the visual simulation, game development, virtual reality, scientific visualization and modeling markets - a real-time visualization tool which eclipses commercial scene graph toolkits in functionality, stability and performance. OpenSceneGraph 3.2 runs on all Microsoft Windows platforms, Apple OS/X, IOS, GNU/Linux, Android, IRIX, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX and FreeBSD operating systems.
Open-source development delivers industry-leading features and performance

The OpenSceneGraph 3.2 release is the culmination of 14 years of work by the open-source community that has grown up around the project. The real-time graphics industry and academia embraced it from the very beginning, deploying it in real-world applications, and actively participating in its development, testing and refinement. The end result is a high-quality library with a feature set relevant to application developers' needs in both the desktop and mobile space.

Updates include:

  • Improvements to OpenGL ES 1.1 and 2.0 support, including platform specific extensions
  • Revamped QTKit, imageio and quicktime plugins for improved support of iOS and OSX
  • New avfoundation plugin for reading video on iOS and OSX
  • New ktx plugin for reading Khronos Texture Files
  • New OpenGL extensions support including compute shaders, tessellation shaders, integer array formats and associated Vec* classes, primitive restart
  • Improvements to osgManipulator NodeKit that introduce new manipulators and improve flexibility and customizability
  • Updates to osgQt to support Qt5 and provide better support for Qt4
  • New osgGA::Device base class for recieving from and sending events to both real and virtual devices in a generic, extensible way
  • New ZeroConf, RestHTTP and OSC plugins to enable remote control of applications such as controlling desktop systems from tablets and phones
  • Improvements to osgVolume NodeKit and DICOM plugin for better medical visualization
  • New TrackVis .trk track files plugin for the visualization of brain scans.
  • Improvements to osgPresentation NodeKit and Present3D application to make it possible to create non-linear interactive, remote controlled shows
  • New osgViewer::ViewConfig class with range of implementations to make it easier to configure viewers for advanced rendering support
  • Support for GPU based Keystone correction with onscreen editing making it possible to use low cost projectors in off axis setups
  • Clean up of osg::Geometry class removing all deprecated slow path API's resulting in a smaller and faster Geometry class
  • Addition of deprecated_osg namespace and deprecated_osg::Geometry class that provides deprecated BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE and array indices APIs to add with porting
  • New ViewDependentShadowMap shadow rendering class that combines enables robust combining of parallel split and perspective shadow map techniques
  • Updates of plugins to work with the latest FBX, ffmpeg, NVTT, OpenVRML, LibVNCServer releases


Downloads and Licensing

OpenSceneGraph is open-source, so full source code is provided, and can be copied, modified and used free of charge for commercial and non-commercial use. Access to the source allows end users greater flexibility in how they develop, debug and deploy their applications. They gain productivity and freedom by being able to leverage the tool chain in accordance with their own release cycles. Downloads of binaries and source can be found in the Downloads section of the openscenegraph.org website.

OpenSceneGraph is released under the OpenSceneGraph Public License, which is based on the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL), permitting the software to be used free of charge across the full spectrum of commercial and open-source applications. Furthermore, it allows both static and dynamic linking of the OpenSceneGraph libraries without restricting the licensing of the user's software.

Professional support and services

OpenSceneGraph project is backed up with professional services by OpenSceneGraph Professional Services, based in Scotland, and Skew-Matrix and AlphaPixel both based in the USA, and a range of Contractors from around the world. Services available include:

  • Confidential Professional Support
  • Bespoke development
  • Consultancy
  • Training

Community support and contributions

The diverse and growing community of over 5000 developers is centred around the public osg-users mailing list/forum, where members discuss how best to use OpenSceneGraph, provide mutual support, and coordinate development of new features and bug fixes. Members of this community come from many different countries with backgrounds ranging from some of the world's largest aerospace companies, game companies, and visual simulation specialists to university researchers, students and hobbyists.

The OpenSceneGraph project owes a great deal to the community for its development and support, in particular we wish to thank the 511 individuals from around the world that have directly contributed to the development and refinement of the OpenSceneGraph code base.

OpenSceneGraph 3.4 release introduces shader composition, new osgUI library, displacement mapping, volume rendering, lua scripting support and much more

PERTHSHIRE, Scotland - 12th August 2015 - OpenSceneGraph Professional Services announces the release of OpenSceneGraph 3.4, the industry's leading open-source scene graph technology, designed to accelerate application development and improve 3D graphics performance. OpenSceneGraph 3.4 written entirely in Standard C++ and built upon OpenGL, offers developers working in the visual simulation, game development, virtual reality, scientific visualization and modeling markets - a real-time visualization tool which eclipses commercial scene graph toolkits in functionality, stability and performance. OpenSceneGraph 3.4 runs on all Microsoft Windows platforms, Apple OS/X, IOS, GNU/Linux, Android, IRIX, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX and FreeBSD operating systems.

Updates include:

  • New #pragma(tic) composition shader functionality built into the core OSG that provides a easy to use yet flexible scheme for controlling and composing shaders at runtime levering GLSL support for #define and #pragma.
  • New osgTerrain::DisplacementMappingTechnique to uses vertex, geometry and fragment shader based displacement mapping technique that dramatically lowers the CPU and GPU memory footprint and bandwidth needs for the same visual quality.  The new scheme enables paged terrain that work robustly on smaller hardware, or with far higher loads without framedrops.  This new technique levels #pragma(tic) shader composition to enable one to toggle on/off features in the shaders at runtime in a way that is as convenient to use as toggle modes in a fixed function pipeline scene graph.
  • New osgVolume::MultipassTechique that uses multipass rendering and shaders to enable seamless mixing of traditional 3D geometry and volumes, support for geometry hulls that constrain where the volume should be rendered as well as improving the ray tracing shaders so that they are both faster and have higher visual quality than the previous generation of ray traced shaders supported by OSG-3.2 releases and before.
  • New osgDB::Classiterface  class that provides an easy to use mechanism for introspection of scene graph classes, allowing one to get, set properties and invoke methods in a generic way, making the task of integrating 3rd prarty tools such as scripting languages straight forward.
  • New Lua scripting support via a plugin that integrates Lua 5.2.3 and the OSG via the OSG's native serialization codes.
  • New osgUI NodeKit, that enables User Interface elements to be placed directly into 3D scene graph. The classes are fully scriptable so you create create UI and behaviours all within lua scripts.
  • Improvements to OpenGL ES 1.1,  ES 2.0 and ES3.0  support, including platform specific extensions
  • Improvements to OpenGL 4.x support with a range of new extensions support
  • Updates to osgQt to support Qt5 and provide better support for Qt4

Downloads and Licensing

OpenSceneGraph is open-source, so full source code is provided, and can be copied, modified and used free of charge for commercial and non-commercial use. Access to the source allows end users greater flexibility in how they develop, debug and deploy their applications. They gain productivity and freedom by being able to leverage the tool chain in accordance with their own release cycles. Downloads of binaries and source can be found in the Downloads section of the openscenegraph.org website.

OpenSceneGraph is released under the OpenSceneGraph Public License, which is based on the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL), permitting the software to be used free of charge across the full spectrum of commercial and open-source applications. Furthermore, it allows both static and dynamic linking of the OpenSceneGraph libraries without restricting the licensing of the user's software.

Professional support and services

OpenSceneGraph project is backed up with professional services by OpenSceneGraph Professional Services, based in Scotland, and a range of Contractors from around the world. Services available include:

  • Confidential Professional Support
  • Bespoke development
  • Consultancy
  • Training

Community support and contributions

The diverse and growing community of over 5000 developers is centred around the public osg-users mailing list/forum, where members discuss how best to use OpenSceneGraph, provide mutual support, and coordinate development of new features and bug fixes. Members of this community come from many different countries with backgrounds ranging from some of the world's largest aerospace companies, game companies, and visual simulation specialists to university researchers, students and hobbyists.

The OpenSceneGraph project owes a great deal to the community for its development and support, in particular we wish to thank the 550 individuals from around the world that have directly contributed to the development and refinement of the OpenSceneGraph code base.

OpenSceneGraph 3.0 release adds support OpenGL ES 1.1, OpenGL ES 2.0, OpenGL 3.x to 4.0, support for Andoid and IOS platforms and much more.

PERTHSHIRE, Scotland - 28th June 2011 - OpenSceneGraph Professional Services announces the release of OpenSceneGraph 3.0, the industry's leading open-source scene graph technology, designed to accelerate application development and improve 3D graphics performance. OpenSceneGraph 3.0 written entirely in Standard C++ and built upon OpenGL, offers developers working in the visual simulation, game development, virtual reality, scientific visualization and modeling markets - a real-time visualization tool which eclipses commercial scene graph toolkits in functionality, stability and performance. OpenSceneGraph 3.0 runs on all Microsoft Windows platforms, Apple OS/X, IOS, GNU/Linux, Android, IRIX, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX and FreeBSD operating systems.

Open-source development delivers industry-leading features and performance

The OpenSceneGraph 3.0 release is the culmination of 12 years of work by the lead developers and the open-source community that has grown up around the project. The real-time graphics industry and academia embraced it from the very beginning, deploying it in real-world applications, and actively participating in its development, testing and refinement. The end result is a high-quality library with a feature set relevant to application developers' needs.

Updates include:

  • OpenGL ES 1.1, and OpenGL ES 2.0 support
  • OpenGL 3.x and 4.x support along with associated OpenGL extensions
  • Supoort for Android on tablets and phones
  • Support for IOS on tablets and phones (end users applications have already been accepted on the App Store)
  • New extensible serializers that provide new .osgb binary, .osgt ascii and .osgx xml file native formats
  • New generalized serializable metadata architecture
  • New osgQt library that makes it straight forward to integrate OpenSceneGraph with Qt
  • new FBX plugin
  • Improvements to osgVolume enabling high quality race traced volume rendering
  • Improvements to osgManipulator making it more flexible
  • Support for Cocoa and 64bit OSX build
  • Improved thread safety and efficiency of database paging
  • New Texture and buffer object pools for efficiently managing GL object resources

Downloads and Licensing

OpenSceneGraph is open-source, so full source code is provided, and can be copied, modified and used free of charge for commercial and non-commercial use. Access to the source allows end users greater flexibility in how they develop, debug and deploy their applications. They gain productivity and freedom by being able to leverage the tool chain in accordance with their own release cycles. Downloads of binaries and source can be found in the Downloads section of the openscenegraph.org website.

OpenSceneGraph is released under the OpenSceneGraph Public License, which is based on the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL), permitting the software to be used free of charge across the full spectrum of commercial and open-source applications. Furthermore, it allows both static and dynamic linking of the OpenSceneGraph libraries without restricting the licensing of the user's software.

OpenSceneGraph Books now available

The new book dedicated to the OpenSceneGraph 3.0 is now available https://www.packtpub.com/openscenegraph-3-0-beginners-guide/book.

Professional support and services

OpenSceneGraph project is backed up with professional services by OpenSceneGraph Professional Services, based in Scotland, and Skew-Matrix and AlphaPixel both based in the USA, and a range of Contractors from around the world. Services available include:

  • Confidential Professional Support
  • Bespoke development
  • Consultancy
  • Training

Community support and contributions

The diverse and growing community of over 5000 developers is centred around the public osg-users mailing list/forum, where members discuss how best to use OpenSceneGraph, provide mutual support, and coordinate development of new features and bug fixes. Members of this community come from many different countries with backgrounds ranging from some of the world's largest aerospace companies, game companies, and visual simulation specialists to university researchers, students and hobbyists.

The OpenSceneGraph project owes a great deal to the community for its development and support, in particular we wish to thank the 464 individuals from around the world that have directly contributed to the development and refinement of the OpenSceneGraph code base.
