/ osgRecipes: Integrate OSG with almost everything


osgRecipes: Integrate OSG with almost everything

The new osgRecipes project's main and only goal is to integrate as more as possible third-party libraries/SDKs with OSG to make use of both features. It is in public domain, so feel free to make use of everything here.

The website: https://github.com/xarray/osgRecipes

The WIKI page: https://github.com/xarray/osgRecipes/wiki

Use GIT to check out: https://github.com/xarray/osgRecipes.git

This project is also the source code repository of Rui Wang & Xuelei Qian's book OpenSceneGraph 3.0 Cookbook, Packt Publishing, 2012. You may read more details or order this book at: http://www.packtpub.com/openscenegrap-3-for-advanced-3d-programming-using-api-cookbook/book


This section will show you how to integrate OSG with different kinds of libraries and SDKs. These libraries can add extra functionalities like special effects, visual components and interaction methods to your OSG scene and greatly improve the performance of the applications. These libraries must be free for downloading and for non-commercial purpose of use. The license of the example code may vary according to the license of the third- party library if it does not fit the public domain.

 All example code here will show how to integrate OSG with different kinds of libraries and SDKs in a simple enough and extendible way, that means, there will be few lines of code for each recipe to make them understandable. Such external libraries can quickly add extra functionalities like special effects, visual components and interaction methods to your OSG scenes and greatly improve the performance of the applications.

Current third-party libraries that are embedded within OSG are listed here:
* AntTweakBar (a light and intuitive GUI framework): http://www.antisphere.com/Wiki/tools:anttweakbar
* AssImp (a library to import various well-known 3D model formats): http://assimp.sourceforge.net/
* Awesomium (a web-browser framework for in-app browsing and HTML UIs): http://awesomium.com/
* FreeImage (a library supporting popular image formats): http://freeimage.sourceforge.net/
* NVIDIA PhysX (a well-rounded physics engine, version 3.2): http://developer.nvidia.com/physx-downloads
* Spark (a crossplatform particle engine): http://spark.developpez.com/
* TUIO (a common API for tangible multitouch surfaces): already included in the source code
* VLC (a cross-platform multimedia player and framework): http://www.videolan.org/vlc/
And these are on my TODO list. Anybody is welcomed to add more here, or just contribute your own works:
Animata, Microsoft DirectWrite, GUIChan, libGimzo, MyGUI, openNURBS, Sundog Triton, Woody3D...
All the libraries must be free for downloading and for non-commercial purpose of use to be added into the project.