Parameter |
Description |
Default |
General |
-h or --help |
Display commandline arguments information |
--task |
-s <filename> |
Specify a VPB source file containing all commandline options. |
--so <filename> |
Output the VPB source file for the current run. |
--report |
--cache <filename> |
Read the cache file to use a look up for locally cached files. |
--version |
Print out version |
--version-number |
Print out version number only. |
--comment |
Added a comment/description string to the top most node in the dataset |
empty |
--split |
Set the distributed build split level. |
--splits |
Set the distributed build primary and secondary split levels. |
--run-path |
Set the path that the build should be run from. |
--notify-level |
Set the notify level when logging messages. |
Input |
-d <filename> |
Specify the digital elevation map input file to process |
-t <filename> |
Specify the texture map input file to process |
--building <filename> |
Specify building outlines using shapefiles. |
--forest <filename> |
Specify forest outlines using shapefiles |
--levels <begin_level> <end_level> |
Specify the range of levels that the next source Texture or DEM will contribute to. |
--layer <layer_num> |
Specify the layer that the next source Texture will contribute to.. |
Coordinate system |
--cs <coordinates system string> |
Set the coordinates system of source imagery, DEM or destination database. The string may be any of the usual GDAL/OGR forms, complete WKT, PROJ.4, EPS |
--wkt <WKT string> |
Set the coordinates system of source imagery, DEM or destination database in WellKownText form. |
--wkt-file <WKT file> |
Set the coordinates system of source imagery, DEM or destination database by as file containing WellKownText definition. |
Geocentric database |
--geocentric |
Build a database in geocentric (i.e. whole earth) database. |
--bluemarble-east |
Set the coordinates system for next texture or dem to represent the eastern hemisphere of the earth. |
--bluemarble-west |
Set the coordinates system for next texture or dem to represent the western hemisphere of the earth. |
--whole-globe |
Set the coordinates system for next texture or dem to represent the whole hemisphere of the earth. |
Ellipsoid model |
--radius-polar |
Set the polar radius of the ellipsoid model when building a geocentric database. |
6356752.3142 |
--radius-equator |
Set the equatorial radius of the ellipsoid model when building a geocentric database. |
6378137 |
--spherical |
Set the polar and equatorial radius both to the average of the two. |
Flat database |
--range <xMin> <xMax> <yMin> <yMax> |
Set the coordinates system for next texture or dem to the given range. |
--xx |
--xt |
--yy |
--yt |
--zz |
--zt |
DataType |
--vector |
Interpret input as a vector data set |
--raster |
Interpret input as a raster data set (default) |
Output |
--image-ext <ext> |
Specify the Image format to output to via its plugin name, i.e. rgb, dds, jp2, jpeg. |
.dds |
-o <outputfile> |
Specify the output master file to generate |
-a <archivename> |
Specify the archive to place the generated database |
--ibn <buildname> |
Specify the intermediate build file name |
-l <numOfLevels> |
Specify the number of PagedLOD levels to generate |
30 |
-e <x> <y> <w> <h> |
Extents of the model to generate |
-ge <x> <y> <w> <h> |
Geographic (Lat/Lon) Extents of the model to generate. |
-b <xa> <ya> <xb> <yb> |
Bounds (similar to extents) of the model to generate. Max/Min order is not important. |
-gb <xa> <ya> <xb> <yb> |
Geographic Bounds (similar to extents) of the model to generate. Max/Min order is not important. |
--skirt-ratio <float> |
Set the ratio of skirt height to tile size |
0.02 |
-v |
Set the vertical multiplier |
1.0 |
--no-terrain-simplification |
Switch off terrain simplification. |
true |
--default-color <r,g,b,a> |
Sets the default color of the terrain. |
(0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0) |
--radius-to-max-visible-distance-ratio |
Set the maximum visible distance ratio for all tiles apart from the top most tile. The maximum visible distance is computed from the ratio * tile radius. |
7.0 |
--max-anisotropy |
Max anisotropy level to use when texturing |
1.0 |
GeometryType? |
Create a height field database |
Create a height field database (default) |
Create a osgTerrain::Terrain database |
DatabaseType? |
--LOD |
Create a LOD'd database |
--PagedLOD |
Create a PagedLOD'd database (default) |
TextureType |
--compressed |
Use OpenGL compression on RGB destination imagery (default) |
--RGBA-compressed |
Use OpenGL compression on RGBA destination imagery |
--RGB-16 |
Use 16bit RGB destination imagery |
--RGB-24 |
Use 24bit RGB destination imagery |
--RGBA-16 |
Use 16bit RGBA destination imagery |
--RGBA |
Use 32bit RGBA destination imagery |
MipMappingMode |
--no-mip-mapping |
Disable mip mapping of textures |
--mip-mapping-hardware |
Use mip mapped textures, and generate the mipmaps in hardware when available. |
--mip-mapping-imagery |
Use mip mapped textures, and generate the mipmaps in imagery. (default) |
--BuildOverlays [True/False] |
Switch on/off the building of overlay within the source imagery. Overlays can help reduce texture aliasing artifacts. |
false |
--ReprojectSources [True/False] |
Switch on/off the reprojection of any source imagery that aren't in the correct projection for the database build. |
true |
--GenerateTiles [True/False] |
Switch on/off the generation of the output database tiles. |
true |
--tile-image-size |
Set the tile maximum image size |
256 |
--tile-terrain-size |
Set the tile maximum terrain size |
64 |
-O |
string option to pass to write plugins, use "" for multiple options |
--subtile <LOD> <X> <Y> |
Set the subtile to begin the build from. |
--record-subtile-on-leaf-tiles |
Enable the setting of the subtile file name of the leaf tiles. |
false |
--type-attribute |
Set the type name which specify how the shapes should be interpreted in shapefile/dbase files. (empty signifies no type attribute has been defined) |
--height-attribute |
Set the attribute name for height attributes used in shapefile/dbase files. |
--height |
Set the height to use for associated shapefiles. (negative signifies that no height has been defined) |
-1.0 |
--mask |
Set the mask to assign indivual shapefile/model. |
0xffffffff |
--terrain-mask |
Set the overall mask to assign terrain. |
0xffffffff |
--read-threads-ratio <ratio> |
Set the ratio number of read threads relative to number of cores to use. |
0.0 |
--write-threads-ratio <ratio> |
Set the ratio number of write threads relative to number of cores to use. |
0.0 |
--build-options <string> |
Set build options string. |
DEM interpolation |
--interpolate-terrain |
Enable the use of interpolation when sampling data from source DEMs. (default) |
--no-interpolate-terrain |
Disable the use of interpolation when sampling data from source DEMs. |
Imagery interpolation |
--interpolate-imagery |
Enable the use of interpolation when sampling data from source imagery. (default) |
--no-interpolate-imagery |
Disable the use of interpolation when sampling data from source imagery. |