[osg-users] Choosing a game engine for an open Roblox/Kodu/Lego Worlds/LittleBigPlanet-like app

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Thu Apr 27 02:46:57 PDT 2017

Hi Duncan,

The OSG could be used for sure, I'm not familiar with the alternatives
so can't compare, but in general you might find the OSG quite low
level - it's a scene graph rather than application or game framework,
so it's a component of such a framework rather a high level framework
itself.  This is both and advantage and a disadvantage, if you need to
flexibility then lower level is good, if you want off the shelf high
level features then perhaps high level framework would be appropriate.

When looking at the OSG, it has the portability covered pretty well,
it's always very flexiblity and powerful, so unlikely to constrain you
in what you want to achieve. Specifically for your project one asset
might be the osgDB::ClassInterface that was introduced in OSG-3.4.
This would provide a single class for doing introspection,
setting/getting properties, creating objects.  The ClassInterface also
provides the mechanism which the ScriptEngine implementations can wire
up the OSG's C++ objects with other languages.

In OSG-3.4 we have a lua plugin that provides the lua language
interpreter built in and integration with the
ScriptEngine/ClassInterface so that you can create, add callbacks,
read/write properties all from with lua scripts.

>From your description perhaps lua itself might be a useful tool, so
write the bulk of your application in lua and have it control the
OSG's scene graph.


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