[osg-users] Having an issue with OSG plugins error.

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Wed Apr 12 00:31:04 PDT 2017

Hi Brigham,

All the OpenSceneGraph loaders are built as plugins, this includes the
native .osg, .ive ,osgt, .osgb and .oisgx formats.

The OSG uses the Chain Of Responsibility pattern with it's loaders,
first attempting to load formats by the ReaderWrtier already
registered with the osgDB::Registry, if this doesn't succeed then a
plugin associated with the extension of the file is loaded.  For files
like .osgt, .osgb and .osgx a extension alias is provided to map these
to the osg plugin.

If you don't want to dynamically link the OSG and load the plugins at
runtime then you can statically link the OSG including the plugins,
you'll need to explicitly link in the symbols to do this, the
osgstaticviewer example illustrates how this is done.

If you want to dynamically link the OSG, as is the default build and
OSG usage,  you'll need to make sure the parent directory of plugins
is one your system file path or use the OSG_LIBRARY_PATH env var.

You don't mention anything about your OS, build tools, how you built
the OSG, how you installed the OSG so there isn't anything specific
can advise, hopefully the above will give you enough pointers to get
things working.


On 12 April 2017 at 06:20, Brigham Keys, Esq. <bkeys at bkeys.org> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have OpenSceneGraph set up in my project, however when I try to load any
> files I always get this error
> Error reading file build/untitled.osgt: read error (Could not find plugin to
> read objects from file "build/untitled.osgt".)
> Which I did not think I needed a plugin set up for the native format, it
> does this on .obj and on .dae parsing as well and the 3D model never gets
> loaded into the scene. I tried doing this with files that could not possibly
> be real and it gives me the exact same error (and not an error relating to
> the file not existing). Has anyone else experienced this issue?
> --
> Brigham Keys, Esq.
> Software Maintainer
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