[osg-users] Max texture size on the IVE file?

John Green johngreen1976alma at gmail.com
Tue Jan 26 03:38:12 PST 2016


Everyone, this is my first post. I have quick question for you guys, this might be a simple one but I am still new with OSG.

I am building a map scene with 3D Max and exporting it with OpenSceneGraph Max Exporter however I noticed the OSG Viewever doesn't support textures larger than 8000 x 8000. If I want to have a larger texture on the terrain it just downsamples that to 8000 pixels.

Is this an OSG limitation or an OSG Viewever one? Can I somehow support larger textures? All I am trying to do is to create a simulation of my local town, and I would need a large area covered with texture from google maps so the ground doesn't look ugly from the top. Is there a way around it ?

Thank you for your help! Much appreciated!


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