[osg-users] Max texture size on the IVE file?

Sebastian Messerschmidt sebastian.messerschmidt at gmx.de
Tue Jan 26 04:05:52 PST 2016

Hi John
> Hi,
> Everyone, this is my first post. I have quick question for you guys, this might be a simple one but I am still new with OSG.
> I am building a map scene with 3D Max and exporting it with OpenSceneGraph Max Exporter however I noticed the OSG Viewever doesn't support textures larger than 8000 x 8000. If I want to have a larger texture on the terrain it just downsamples that to 8000 pixels.
> Is this an OSG limitation or an OSG Viewever one? Can I somehow support larger textures? All I am trying to do is to create a simulation of my local town, and I would need a large area covered with texture from google maps so the ground doesn't look ugly from the top. Is there a way around it ?
I guess the actual limitation is 8192x8192 as it is the limit on most 
GPU for textures. There are some higher-end GPUs supporting 16384x16384 
This has nothing to do with IVE. You can also check it with osgViewer 
--image %filename% to test without any model involved.

First of all, if you're planning to use big geospecific databases you 
can use VirtualPlanetBuilder or osgEarth which do the job of correctly 
referencing, projecting and tiling your dataset efficiently.
Usually if you want to cover bigger areas with textures you would simply 
split them into chunks and map them to the geometry.


> Thank you for your help! Much appreciated!
> Cheers,
> John
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=66125#66125
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