[osg-users] OBJ Files Rotated When Saved

OpenSceneGraph Users osg-users at lists.openscenegraph.org
Wed Jun 3 13:46:17 PDT 2020

Hi Scott,

This is default behavior, due to different z or y up conventions. It can 
be disabled with the noRotation loader option:
osgconv -O "noRotation" <inputFile> <outputFile>

You can find out what options a certain format support with:
osgconv --format <format_extension>


On 2020-06-03 22:41, 'Scott Shaw' via OpenSceneGraph Users wrote:
> I ran into an issue today that seems to be a bug within the OSG OBJ 
> writer.
> I called osgDB::writeNodeFile(*geometry,fileName) with .obj as the 
> extension and my geometry ended up rotated 90 degrees about the 
> X-axis.  When I called the same function with the same geometry but 
> with .ive as the extension, the geometry looked fine.  I can just use 
> IVE files for now, but I figured I'd let someone know.
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