[osg-users] Shadow Implement.

Chris Djali krizdjali at gmail.com
Mon Sep 9 16:47:28 PDT 2019


As someone who's added shadows to an OSG application, I can confidently say you're going to have a bad time if you try and use anything in osgShadow. I was told this before I'd really got started, and I didn't believe it, so continued anyway, and while I did end up with impressive final results, it would have been much simpler and faster if I'd started from scratch.

The methods you need to use vary significantly based on the type of scene you're working with. If you just have a few objects that the camera orbits, you'll be able to get away with a much simpler system than if you have a whole world with huge viewing distances and tiny objects in the foreground.


Read this topic online here:

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