[osg-users] Shadow Implement.

Franco Tang osgforum at tevs.eu
Mon Sep 9 02:40:10 PDT 2019


I used to use osgShadow::ShadowMap to implement shadow in my application. Now, I want to use a new way to implement it, like the link below.
[url] https://learnopengl.com/Advanced-Lighting/Shadows/Shadow-Mapping
There are some questions in my head.
1. I am using osg3.4.1, which mainly uses fixed pipeline. And the tutorial is writed using opengl 3.3. Is there a confict between them?
2. I don't know very much about osg. Is there a latest and stable release using modern opengl.
Notes: For my situation, I prefer to use modern opengl in long terms. 

Thank you!


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