[osg-users] Shadow Implement.

Franco Tang osgforum at tevs.eu
Mon Sep 9 19:23:36 PDT 2019

AnyOldName3 wrote:
> Hi,
> As someone who's added shadows to an OSG application, I can confidently say you're going to have a bad time if you try and use anything in osgShadow. I was told this before I'd really got started, and I didn't believe it, so continued anyway, and while I did end up with impressive final results, it would have been much simpler and faster if I'd started from scratch.
> The methods you need to use vary significantly based on the type of scene you're working with. If you just have a few objects that the camera orbits, you'll be able to get away with a much simpler system than if you have a whole world with huge viewing distances and tiny objects in the foreground.
> Cheers,
> Chris

Thank you, Chris.
I guess that some code in osg is out-of-date and it's a bit diffcult to mantain the community. However, I believe they had done pretty good work.

I am developing 3D application using osg3.4.1 in company. It would be a  medium-sized application. The scene would be a bit complex.

Now I am struggling with shaders. Somebody told me that it is a bad choice to use glLight to implement light effect. As the links displayed, I had to pass various matrixs to shaders. As I read the source code, the matrixs had been passed using fixed pipeline api glMatrixMode and glLoadMatrix. Is there a conflict between them?
In summary, if I used the method in the link, how I deal with light and various matrix?

I would appreciate it if you share me some solutions.


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