[osg-users] Removing objects with shared GL state from scene graph

Martin Siggel martinsiggel+osg at gmail.com
Fri Jul 26 01:45:18 PDT 2019

Hi Chris,

I observed, that also CameraManipulators keep a reference to the camera.
This prohibits then the release of the gl objects.


Chris Djali <krizdjali at gmail.com> schrieb am Fr., 26. Juli 2019, 08:38:

> Hi,
> I have more information. The GraphicsContext is only referenced by the
> camera when the camera is destroyed. The camera detaches itself from the
> graphics context in its destructor, then the camera's ref_ptr to the
> graphics context is destroyed, triggering the destruction of the graphics
> context. The graphics context calls its own close in its destructor, but by
> then the camera has already detached itself, so it's not helpful.
> Cheers,
> Chris
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=76497#76497
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