[osg-users] OpenSceneGraph-3.6.4-rc6 tagged

Thomas Hogarth thomas.hogarth at gmail.com
Wed Jul 17 04:53:07 PDT 2019

Hey Robert

I'v tested on iOS and have run into an issue with FontConfig.
It's automatically find the macOS version of FontConfig that comes
installed by default on the OS.

I've done a hack fix for iOS you can see here


But looking you can actually build FontConfig for iOS so users may want to
use it.
This issue will probably affect Android users too. We can either put the
same kind of road block up for Android builds or we need a more elegegant
way of finding the FontConfig package for the platform you're building for.

For other dependancies like Freetypes etc I usually directly pass the CMake
values required via
the command like. So maybe that's another option to force it to not found?


Tried to post via the forum but it was playing up
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