[osg-users] OpenSceneGraph-3.6.4-rc6 tagged

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Fri Jul 19 01:26:34 PDT 2019

Hi Tom,

On Wed, 17 Jul 2019 at 12:53, Thomas Hogarth <thomas.hogarth at gmail.com>

> I'v tested on iOS and have run into an issue with FontConfig.
> It's automatically find the macOS version of FontConfig that comes
> installed by default on the OS.
> I've done a hack fix for iOS you can see here
> https://github.com/tomhog/OpenSceneGraph/commit/4d803e53120d3312d354fb4c53d9bd8f6410bae1
> But looking you can actually build FontConfig for iOS so users may want to
> use it.
> This issue will probably affect Android users too. We can either put the
> same kind of road block up for Android builds or we need a more elegegant
> way of finding the FontConfig package for the platform you're building for.

I think it would make sense for us to be conservative then and disable the
check for FontConfig under iOS and Android.  Could you make these mods and
generate a PR for them so I can make sure that the next 3.6.4 rc builds on
these out of the box.

For other dependancies like Freetypes etc I usually directly pass the CMake
> values required via
> the command like. So maybe that's another option to force it to not found?

This close to a release I don't want to add any further variables to the
mix of things that could cause end user problems so issues like FontConfig
I'd prefer to avoid creating a snow ball of changes each of which may have
it's won conseqences like the FontConfig one has...

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