[osg-users] Possibility to cast/convert TextureRectangle to Texture2D

Tim Whowantstoknow Tare.noN at web.de
Mon Jun 25 03:02:13 PDT 2018


is there a way to cast or convert from Texture2D to TextureRectangle (or the other way round)? I don't strictly need it, but it'd help me debugging a multi pass pipeline that seems to loose information somewhere from prerender cameras to the final rendering to the frame buffer.

I have tried to just dynamically cast between the two, but the resulting pointer is a nullpointer, so that does not seem to work. Technically they aren't sub classes of each other either, but as far as i can see they don't really use different members of methods.

Just additional info, since I use them for rendering to texture I don't have an image that I could just apply to the other texture.

Kind Regards,

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