[osg-users] Possibility to cast/convert TextureRectangle to Texture2D

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Mon Jun 25 04:42:14 PDT 2018

Hi Tim.

Texture2D and TextureRectangle are wrappers around two distinct types
of OpenGL textures, and at a C++ level are both subclassed from
osg::Texture, so there is no OpenGL level mapping that makes sense in
attempting to convert one to the other, and at the C++ level there
isn't any means for casting one to the other, there are different end
of storty.

I really no clue as to why you are thinking that this "cast" might be
appropriate or useful, but it's not even close to something that is
either possible or useful.

The best we can do is ask you to take a step back and tell us what the
problem you have.


On Mon, 25 Jun 2018 at 11:39, Tim Whowantstoknow <Tare.noN at web.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> is there a way to cast or convert from Texture2D to TextureRectangle (or the other way round)? I don't strictly need it, but it'd help me debugging a multi pass pipeline that seems to loose information somewhere from prerender cameras to the final rendering to the frame buffer.
> I have tried to just dynamically cast between the two, but the resulting pointer is a nullpointer, so that does not seem to work. Technically they aren't sub classes of each other either, but as far as i can see they don't really use different members of methods.
> Just additional info, since I use them for rendering to texture I don't have an image that I could just apply to the other texture.
> Kind Regards,
> Tim
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=74134#74134
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