[osg-users] [build] Building OpenSceneGraph-3.6.0 on Windows 10 with VS2017

Maxim Stere osgforum at tevs.eu
Sat Jun 23 10:35:59 PDT 2018


I've been building OSG 3.6.1 with no problems on VS 2017

I have prebuilt dependencies that I keep, and the instructions I follow are this:

in CMake
Press Configure
Select Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64, press Finish
Change CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to D:/Development/TrueReality/Ext (This is where my Ext folder is, you need to point your path to yours, or leave it as default.)
In WIN32 turn on WIN32_USE_MP
Press Configure, Press Generate.
Open The Visual Studio Solution that is generated in VS.
Go to BUILD>Batch Build, select ALL_BUILD Debug and Release, and click Build
Go to BUILD>Batch Build, click Deselect All, select INSTALL Debug and Release, and click Build

This is minimal instructions, assuming all the dependencies are in PATH, cmake will find them. 

I am about to post a prebuilt OSG in VS2017, I can send a link when it's ready if needed...


Thank you!


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