[osg-users] [ANN] Cross-platform examples for Linux, macOS, Windows, Android, iOS, and Web

HITESH KUMAR SINGHAL UG201211016 at iitj.ac.in
Tue Apr 10 07:19:09 PDT 2018

On Mon, 9 Apr 2018 15:01 michael kapelko, <kornerr at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi.
> All hail the first cross-platform example on how to embed a binary
> resource into executable:
> https://github.com/OGStudio/openscenegraph-cross-platform-examples/blob/master/01.EmbedResource/README.md
> Lengthy explanation.
> Once the OpenSceneGraph cross-platform guide (
> https://ogstudio.github.io/openscenegraph-cross-platform-guide/ ) has
> been finished, I started developing a cross-platform game (
> https://ogstudio.github.io/game-mahjong/ ).
> Overtime I started to face different issues across platforms like
> loading resources, loading images, etc.. It became clear that I should
> share this knowledge. That's how cross-platform examples appeared:
> https://github.com/OGStudio/openscenegraph-cross-platform-examples
> Unlike the guide, examples are brief, don't provide videos and
> screenshots for each step. Instead, each example focuses on the
> crucial code necessary to perform a task.
> I would be glad to hear of any specific thing you wanted explained for
> OpenSceneGraph that might make a good addition to the examples.
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