[osg-users] Querying pagedLOD state

James Turner zakalawe at mac.com
Tue Sep 5 05:37:27 PDT 2017


I’ve done some searching of the OSG examples but didn’t discover a solution yet: how do I safely (given threading) query from the main thread, if a PagedLOD has loaded it’s content. (Assuming only a single level of detail)

I think I can possibly query the number of children being 0 or 1, but that feels potentially a bit hacky? And again I worry about thread-safety; does the DatabasePager do some locking to regulate when loaded content is inserted into the PagedLOD?

(Note I have many concurrent PagedLODs and I need to know if a particular one is finished, I can’t use a global query on the DatabasePager being idle, which some OSG examples do)

Kind regards,

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