[osg-users] Examples Not Responding; Windows 10 x64

S Senften ssenften at gmail.com
Tue Feb 7 12:35:03 PST 2017

I've been struggling for the past day to get OSG built (off the master
branch) and running on a Windows 10 system running a GeForce GTX 980
(version 376.19) using Visual Studio 2015 building x64.

I've been walking through the document at

Everything builds clean, but when I execute any of the examples (beyond
osgversion) the window comes up, renders, and then doesn't respond to any
input, then windows generates a not responding error and kills the

I've tried building with and without dependencies and win32 and x64. I
can't seem to get any combination to work for me.

It's been several years since I've used OpenSceneGraph and then it was on
linux systems. It seems like I'm missing something obvious, but I can't
find anything in the archives and I can't find anything in the

Any suggestions?

Thank you.
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