[osg-users] Error Compiling OSG GL3 on Win7/VS 2008

Sina Niemeyer l.harake at web.de
Tue Feb 7 04:38:43 PST 2017


i got the same Error:
"GL3: Non-GL3 version number: 1.0",
Failed to load libEGLd.dll (Couldn't find module),
class QWindowsEGLStaticContext [...]: Faile to load and resolve libEGL functions"

As you suggested I built OSG again, disabling all OSG_GL_XXX_AVAILABLE, disabling OSG_USE_QT (I use Qt 5.5 builded before), but enabling OSG_GL3_AVAILABLE.
What about the gl3.h - do I really need it to be downloaded externally, and where to put it?

What might be the problem?
I don't know where to look out.

Thanks in advance, 

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