[osg-users] How to improve frame rate when loading multiple buildings ??

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 01:00:20 PST 2017

Hi Vinoth,

The first step with optimization is to figure out the bottlenecks,
only once you know these can you decide what the most effective change
will be to improve performance. You only provide guidance on overall
framerate not being sufficient so there isn't any way for us at this
stage to be able to pinpoint what you can do.

At you end the best thing you can do is run your performance stats
with the full on screen stats on, this will show the costs of the
update, cull, draw dispatch and draw GPU.  You absolutely must do the
tests with a full optimized build of the OSG and your application,
testing with a debug build will show completely wrong bottlenecks.

A screenshot of the on screen full stats will be able to tell us what
the major bottlnecks are, the rough make up of your scene.  Once you
provide this well be able to provide some appropriate advice.

Also information about the OS, OSG version, compilers, hardware and
drivers you are using is also important.


On 22 February 2017 at 14:01, Vinoth Rajendran
<vinothrajendran4pro at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Community,
> I am creating buildings using osg::Geometry from shapefile data. I am draping textures on each side of the building... Its rendering fine, but frame rate it too low..... Its because it has too many buildings to be rendered.
> Is there a way to hide buildings from viewing frustum which are overshadowed by building in front of the camera ???
> Any suggestions or alternate method to improve frame rate  is appreciated...
> I hereby attach the screenshot for reference....
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Vinoth R
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=70312#70312
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