[osg-users] How to improve frame rate when loading multiple buildings ??

Sebastian Messerschmidt sebastian.messerschmidt at gmx.de
Thu Feb 23 00:58:04 PST 2017

Hi Vinoth,
> Hi Community,
> I am creating buildings using osg::Geometry from shapefile data. I am draping textures on each side of the building... Its rendering fine, but frame rate it too low..... Its because it has too many buildings to be rendered.

> Is there a way to hide buildings from viewing frustum which are overshadowed by building in front of the camera ???
This would be occlusion culling. The problem is, that potentially every 
building is an occluder, so you might sacrifice more of CPU and GPU to 
determine visibility than you gain.
> Any suggestions or alternate method to improve frame rate  is appreciated...
> I hereby attach the screenshot for reference....

But be sure to measure where you actually lose the performance! Send us 
a screenshot of the stats, so we can help you into the right direction.
Usually reducing the number of draw calls and state-changes is the right 
track. Could you produce a small sample graph so we might inspect it? 
Maybe you're structuring your graph to flat and to much time is spent to 
determine visibility/draw-calls.

If you're brave and your problem is draw calls you can use instancing 
with LoD. See the osggpucull example. Adding multiple textures can be 
done by adding a textureArray and passing the index per instance in a 
vertex attribute.

> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Vinoth R
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=70312#70312
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