[osg-users] Dynamical loading of resources

Joachim Gehrung joachim.gehrung at iosb.fraunhofer.de
Tue Aug 15 01:20:11 PDT 2017

Hello Sebastian, hello Robert,

thank you for your quick reply. Paging.. I was thinking about a lot of search terms, but not this one. In retrospect it seems obvious :).

Pointers in direction of osg::PagedLOD and osgDB::DatabasePager were all I was looking for, thanks. I did some reading on the topic, but there is one thing I still might need your expertise. Lets say I want to use a data structure such as point clouds, which are not supported out of the box and I want to load them from a database with a non-standardised interface.

In this case, I would implement the visualization within a osg::PagedLOD. I would also write my own osgDB::DatabasePager and register it at the visualizer. Is that correct? And that's also how it would work within the context of OSG Earth, or are there additional layers around the problem?

Thanks and best regards,

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