[osg-users] Dynamical loading of resources

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Mon Aug 14 11:41:59 PDT 2017

Hi Jey,

The OSG is designed to fully support paging of databases.  There are many
discussions about paging here on the osg-users mailing list/forum so have a
look through the archives for discussions about osgDB::DatabasePager (the
class that manages the loading + unloading of data) and osg::PagedLOD (the
level of detail node that provides the hooks for external resources.)

The osgViewer::Viewer and CompositeViewer class have builtin support for
the DatabasePager so you don't need to explicitly do anything to leverage
the database paging - you just stick the appropriate PagedLOD's in your
database and everything will happen automatically for you.

osgEarth is built intop of PageLOD so leverages all the core OSG's
osgDB::DatabasePager support.
The VirtualPlanetBuilder tool provides another way for creating native OSG
paged databases from source geospatial imagery and DEMs.

Have a look at the archives though, there is wealth of discussion about

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