[osg-users] Dynamical loading of resources

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Tue Aug 15 01:27:22 PDT 2017


On 15 August 2017 at 09:20, Joachim Gehrung <
joachim.gehrung at iosb.fraunhofer.de> wrote:

> In this case, I would implement the visualization within a osg::PagedLOD.
> I would also write my own osgDB::DatabasePager and register it at the
> visualizer. Is that correct? And that's also how it would work within the
> context of OSG Earth, or are there additional layers around the problem?

You shouldn't need to touch DatabasePager, it'll support any type of paged

What you need to do is create a paged databases that contains PagedLOD, as
you say the existing tools like VirtualPlanentBuilder (VPB) and osgEarth
aren't written for point clouds so you'll need to implement your own scheme
for this.  Once you have built the database it should work with any OSG

How best to go about creating the paged database will depend upon the type
of point cloud you have.  If you have a terrain database then the elevation
will be generally much smaller than the horizontal extents then a quad tree
hierarchy would be most appropriate (this is what VPB and osgEarth use), if
you have an elevation of similar size to your horizontal extents then an
octree hierarchy would be most appropriate.

Another factor is just how big your dataset is and whether it might be
possible to create most of the final scene graph on the fly like osgEarth
does or whether you want to pre-process the whole dataset like VPB does.

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