[osg-users] RenderBin vs. SlaveCamera

tianzjyh tianzjyh at 126.com
Thu Aug 3 18:09:38 PDT 2017

hi Modenbach,
  My approach is to use a separate camera(not a slave camera) different with the main camera, and add it to the root node.
  In my opinion, there is little difference between these different approaches, since they will all be treated as elements in scene graph and state graph.
  But I am a little confused about your using slave camera. Is not slave camera share the same scene with the main camera ?  How do you assign different scenes in you HUD display ?



At 2017-08-03 17:59:41, "Werner Modenbach" <Werner.Modenbach at texion.eu> wrote:
>Hi all,
>I'm restructuring my project because I want to implement some multi pass 
>I have some problems understanding the different approaches for example when
>creating HUD displays.
>The approach I used so far is attaching a SlaveCamera and puttung it in 
>PostRender pass.
>On the other hand I found an approach of just attaching the matrices to 
>the root node and
>assigning the HUD geometry to a RenderBin with high number.
>I'd like to understand the difference of the approaches and the pros and 
>Is there any one who can help me with that?
>- Werner -
>osg-users mailing list
>osg-users at lists.openscenegraph.org
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