[osg-users] Near-uniform tessellation of a concave polygon for heightmaps

Julien Valentin julienvalentin51 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 22 14:55:44 PDT 2017

mp3butcher wrote:
> Hi 
> I think nobody respond because there multiple path for it
> Your problem can be split in two:
> 1)tesselation
> 2)real (not screen space) displacement mapping 
> 1)Tesselation
> -osgUtil::Tesselator 
> -Tesselation Shader
> 2)Real Displacement mapping
> For this step You must be sure of your level of understanding of OpenGL(and osg) because you'll have to use transformfeedback
> Todo so you'll have to draw your vertices as points, displace them according your heightmap texture (in VS) and store them in a buffer for future use (in GS)
> (The Transformfeedback spec says theres no garanty that indices remain the same but in practice i never saw mess in GS output sequence)
> Cheers
> Kanpachi wrote:
> > I am given the contour/boundary of a concave polygon which cannot have holes, and I need to apply a heightmap to it. To this end, I need to perform a near-uniform tessellation of the polygon to generate a mesh.
> > 
> > A picture would be worth a thousand words here, but alas, I don't have 2 posts yet. :P
> > 
> > How can I perform this tessellation? Ideally, the solution could parameterize the 'resolution' of the vertices to adjust the detail of the mesh.
> > 
> > If this is somehow possible using OSG's built-in tessellation library that would be ideal, but I'm open to introducing an additional (hopefully lightweight) dependency if necessary.
> > 
> > Thanks!

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