[osg-users] Please test OpenSceneGraph master in prep for 3.5.6 dev release

Konstantin lalakostya at gmail.com
Wed Apr 5 07:41:17 PDT 2017

Hello, Robert!

First... Thanks :)
I've compiled 3.5.6 with GL3 core on Macmini (OpenGL 3.3) with no problems.

I have application based on OpenSceneGraph 3.4.0 (built with GL3 profile)
and it works well on Mac (in OpenGL 2.1 compatibility context)

When I've switched to 3.5.6 (GL3 core) I have multiple problems:

(*) Multiple VAO errors in console (OSG_NOTIFY_LEVEL=DEBUG_FP) when
*ShaderComposition* is ON (like vao not binded, so Program compilation was
(*) Strange things with lighting: Don't know how to explain it now, but
like something was changed in the osgUtil::PositionalStateContainer.
(*) Problems with osgAnimation::RigGeometry (I think because of VAO)
(*) osgText::Text3D setCharacterSize  don't change geometry in dynamic
(I've added handler to osgtext3d example, changed text3d node's
DataVariance to DYNAMIC and test some functions)

ShaderHint=SHADER_NONE in DisplaySettings
My ShaderComposer can create version #150


2017-04-04 16:57 GMT+03:00 Remo Eichenberger <osgforum at tevs.eu>:

> Hi,
> and the callstack:
> Code:
>         osg147-osgd.dll!osg::MixinVector<unsigned short>::front() Line
> 139      C++
>         osg147-osgTextd.dll!osgText::Text::accept(osg::PrimitiveFunctor &
> pf) Line 1276 C++
>         osg147-osgUtild.dll!osgUtil::RenderBin::getStats(osgUtil::Statistics
> & stats) Line 586  C++
>         osg147-osgUtild.dll!osgUtil::RenderStage::getStats(osgUtil::Statistics
> & stats) Line 1446       C++
>         osg147-osgUtild.dll!osgUtil::RenderStage::getStats(osgUtil::Statistics
> & stats) Line 1440       C++
>         osg147-osgUtild.dll!osgUtil::SceneView::getStats(osgUtil::Statistics
> & stats) Line 1564 C++
>         osg147-osgViewerd.dll!collectSceneViewStats(unsigned int
> frameNumber, osgUtil::SceneView * sceneView, osg::Stats * stats) Line 597
>     C++
>         osg147-osgViewerd.dll!osgViewer::Renderer::cull() Line 685
> C++
>         osg147-osgViewerd.dll!osgViewer::ViewerBase::renderingTraversals()
> Line 882     C++
>         osg147-osgViewerd.dll!osgViewer::ViewerBase::frame(double
> simulationTime) Line 750      C++
> Cheers,
> Remo[/code]
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=70659#70659
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