[osg-users] Use question about SampleDensityWhenMoving property in osgVolume

Alex Taylor alextaylor at gmail.com
Mon Jan 4 07:41:44 PST 2016


I've looked through the code and example for SampleDensityWhenMoving and I
have a basic use question. My question is this, when I set the
SampleDensityWhenMoving property, I do see that the Ray Tracing is
downsampled as I rotate the view. However, when I stop rotating, I miss the
final update where I would expect the rendering to go back to the value
specified by the SampleDensityProperty. In other words, it stays sampled at
the downsampled value specified at SampleDensityWhenMoving.

Is there anything extra I'm expected to do when using
SampleDensityWhenMoving? I'm using osgVolume in the context of a larger
codebase, so it's quite possible something is set elsewhere which is
causing problems. Thought I'd ask though.


- Alex
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