[osg-users] compositeview and offscreen rendering

Peiman Shakeri peimansh2014 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 26 21:36:14 PST 2016

robertosfield wrote:
> Hi Peimansh,
> The two options for off screen rendering are a  PixelBuffer context or
> FrameBufferObject, if you have an existing on screen window in your
> application then using a FrameBufferObject becomes preferable.  The
> way to do it would be to set up your viewer's off screen Camera with
> FBO settings and a custom final draw callback to do the read to main
> memory.  The read will be more efficient if you use a pair of
> PixelBufferObjects - the osgscreencapture example illustrates this in
> action.
> As you are already using CompositeViewer the most natural thing to do
> would be to have a dedicated View with it's master Camera as the
> offscreen camera, this way you can control the Camera's view matrix in
> straight forward manner in the same way to the rest of the Camera's.
> Also during debugging having the option of making this Camera an
> onscreen one would give you means to visually QA things as you go
> along.
> Robert.

thx Robert
my problem is gone
but I use autocapture example and now I have frame rate problem
is there different between these two example?


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