[osg-users] compositeview and offscreen rendering

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Tue Jan 26 05:53:44 PST 2016

Hi Peimansh,

The two options for off screen rendering are a  PixelBuffer context or
FrameBufferObject, if you have an existing on screen window in your
application then using a FrameBufferObject becomes preferable.  The
way to do it would be to set up your viewer's off screen Camera with
FBO settings and a custom final draw callback to do the read to main
memory.  The read will be more efficient if you use a pair of
PixelBufferObjects - the osgscreencapture example illustrates this in

As you are already using CompositeViewer the most natural thing to do
would be to have a dedicated View with it's master Camera as the
offscreen camera, this way you can control the Camera's view matrix in
straight forward manner in the same way to the rest of the Camera's.
Also during debugging having the option of making this Camera an
onscreen one would give you means to visually QA things as you go


On 16 January 2016 at 10:17, Peiman Shakeri <peimansh2014 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am newbie in osg
> based on example's I can do off-screen rendering and auto-screen-capture then make a movie from my scene graph with single view and camera
> when I use composeitview ,these are my views and cameras:
> topview->topcamera
> leftview->leftcamera
> rightview->rightcamera
> captureview->capturecamera
> I can capturing and then make a movie too but no one should can see my captureview ,its just for capturing!
> how can I off-screen rendering on my capture camera in captureview ?
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> peimansh
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=66032#66032
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