[osg-users] screen autocapture example drop frame rate

Sebastian Messerschmidt sebastian.messerschmidt at gmx.de
Tue Jan 26 06:59:19 PST 2016

Am 26.01.2016 um 14:39 schrieb Peiman Shakeri:
> SMesserschmidt wrote:
>> Hi Peiman,
>> I wouldn't recommend using screencapturing for "video-recording".
>> Depending on the implementation you've chosen, the file format you are
>> saving to and the computer configuration this might simply be to slow.
>> For recording the screen use something like FRAPS or NVidia's built-in
>> recording.
>> You are not giving enough details to get more help on this.
> hi and thx again
> I have no screen to capture because i have to render into pbuffer!
> yes,that is a camera from top which record every things in its quad
Okay, what file format are you writing to? You might improve the 
framerate by choosing a format which doesn't imply heavy encoding.

I guess simply writing to a series of image files is not the way to go 
if the above doesn't help.
Instead you could handover the image to ffmpeg or some other video 
library to let it handle the streaming into a video file.
Maybe someone else has some experience with this.


> cheers
> peiman
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