[osg-users] Max texture size on the IVE file?

John Green johngreen1976alma at gmail.com
Tue Jan 26 06:06:41 PST 2016

Oh great! It makes more sense now! Thanks a lot for the answers!

The problem here is that I am using a proprietary software that is already written and we can only create IVE files for it.

I am currently using 3D max to model the scene and then export it to IVE using the 3D max exporter plugin. However if I try tiling in 3D max as you guys suggested, I get thin black lines between textures. Like the ones in the attached image.

They do show in the OSGViewer too.

Is there a correct way of tiling texture for OSG, I might not be doing it right.

Thanks again for all the help! I didn't expect the OSG community to be so active!


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