[osg-users] Shader storage buffer object

Julien Valentin julienvalentin51 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 20 16:21:34 PST 2016

Errh, ..don't understand...
I've just required a ssbo (for the purpose of summing stuff among threads).
But when I look at the code SSBOBufferBinding and SSBO, there are nearly nothing :( to connect with the program.

I don't know how the example make use of SSBO but my brain doesn't make any sense out of it.

I'm not familiar yet with ssbo but I believe that:
-The underlying bindbufferbase is not adapted to ssbo scenario, so ssbobufferbinding is not a proper impelemntation
-ssbo buffer binding is related to osg::Program like uniform block index and so should be managed here

What do you think of it?

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