[osg-users] [About VertexArrayObject Branch] FeedBack and Insight

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Thu Aug 18 03:23:30 PDT 2016

Hi Wang,

I have outlined why mixing scene graph state with the rendering back-end is
a bad idea. It's a dead end so I see little point in hashing over it.

The VAO implementation now in the vertex_array_branch is pretty close to
being fully realised, from here on out is a case of testibg and tweaking.

FYI, there have been several attempts at VAO from members of the community
over the years but each one has been deficient in various ways.

Back in June I decided the only way to get a VAO that would handle the
broad range if platform needs and usage patterns was to completely immerse
myself in the topic and find a viable approach. The one in
vertex_array_branch is my second attempt at getting it right.

When I say that latest incarnation is the best approach for the Osg is
based on 15 years of being the lead developer of the OSG. There will be a
few things left to tweak but what we have now is very close to what will be

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