[osg-users] about the state of the BVH plug-in, when used with CMU MoCap files

Christian Buchner christian.buchner at gmail.com
Fri Apr 1 05:33:28 PDT 2016

Hi all,

I've been trying to get the BVH files from this site to import into the
current OSG 3.4 branch

These are conversions of the original motion capture data that CMU provides
for free in a different format, optimized for the three applications
MotionBuilder, DAZ Studio and 3DS MAX.

I've tried replaying the animations in osganimationviewer using the
--drawbone flag. Usually one needs to zoom out the camera to get the full
skeleton into view. The issue that I am having is that I see weird and
unexpected rotations of the entire skeleton, as well as specific joints -
regardless of the version of the BVH files I download.

Has the OpenSceneGraph BVH plug-in ever worked on these mocap files? Could
it be that a code regression has recently broken the plug-in?

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