[osg-users] error build

Joshua Robinson shooki.robinson at gmail.com
Thu May 28 03:15:51 PDT 2015


cmake version

So far no problem with cmake. Built lots of project with it, no problems.


On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 6:03 AM, Robert Osfield <robert.osfield at gmail.com>

> Hi Joshua,
> On 28 May 2015 at 10:46, Joshua Robinson <shooki.robinson at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Linux Mint 16.
> I've not used Linix Mint, and it's not one that gets mentioned on the
> mailing list/forum, so I don't know if usually users don't have
> problems, or perhaps it's just not tried that often, build problems
> under Linux aren't usually a significant issue, and when they do occur
> it tends to be with older release that the dependencies are very old,
> or so new that we haven't had a chance to test against them yet.
> In your case I don't know what might be amiss so we'll need to work
> through the options.  First up because it's a configuration issue it
> could be that cmake itself is causing problems, or something unusually
> about the headers installed that is causing problems.
> What version of cmake are you using?
> Have you compiled any other projects with cmake on your system?
> FYI, Kubunty 15.04 that I'm using has cmake 3.0.2.  Previously I've
> used the cmake 2.6.x and 2.8.x series, the OSG-3.2 branch should work
> fine with all of these in theory.
> The other thing to investigate is whether cmake can provide you with
> additional information about why it has a configuration error as right
> now there doesn't seem any obvious clues to what is causing the
> problem.
> Robert.
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