[osg-users] OpenSceneGraph now significantly faster on AR/VR/xR/Holographics displays

Chris Hanson xenon at alphapixel.com
Tue Mar 23 11:39:27 PDT 2021

AlphaPixel Software Development and OpenSceneGraph Professional Services
have released OVR_MultiView2 extension support for OpenSceneGraph to
greatly improve performance of OpenSceneGraph on multi-view applications
(VR/AR, Holographic).

Working together, AlphaPixel and Robert Osfield, project lead of
OpenSceneGraph, have integrated support for the OpenGL extension called
GL_OVR_multiview2 (
). This extension can significantly decrease rendering overhead when
producing 3d content for displays with multiple viewpoints, including
Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Holographic systems. AlphaPixel
originally developed this code for a client using the VARJO VR/AR headsets
and then funded Robert and OpenSceneGraph Professional Services to adapt
and integrate the code into mainline OpenSceneGraph to make it available
for all users.

MultiView2 allows an OpenGL program to render a scene once while the GPU
rasterizes it multiple times from slightly different viewpoints, making
production of stereo parallax views substantially faster where the CPU-side
cull and draw operations are expensive. This optimization can reduce the
time penalty of drawing additional related views by up to 90%, which can
nearly double stereo framerate, or make scenes with more than two views
many times faster. This is especially effective on 4-channel displays like
foveated xR headsets such as VARJO (
https://developer.varjo.com/docs/native/foveated-rendering-api ).

Prototype support is also included for plenoptic/holographic/lightfield
displays such as the Leia Inc Lume Pad lightfield Android tablet (
https://www.lume-pad.com/ ), and the architecture is also well-suited for
driving displays such as the Avalon Holographics 29” Holographic Display (
https://www.avalonholographics.com/products ). AlphaPixel is currently
working to produce a demo application including source for the Lume Pad.

These new performance capabilities are available now in the OpenSceneGraph
GitHub repository.

AlphaPixel Software development ( http://alphapixeldev.com/ ), founded in
2004 in Evergreen, Colorado is a consulting and contracting software
developer specializing in 3D, GIS, digital imaging and aerospace for
clients large and small around the world.

OpenSceneGraph Professional Services ( https://www.openscenegraph.com/ ),
founded in 2001 by OpenSceneGraph co-founder and project lead Robert
Osfield, develops and improves the Open Source toolkits OpenSceneGraph and

[image: Company logo]
Chris Hanson, CTO
xenon at alphapixel.com | (775) 623-7495 <13038700872>
AlphaPixel Software Development | http://alphapixeldev.com | DUNS:
833108637  | CAGE:
7346 Brook Forest Dr
Evergreen, CO, 80439 USA

Open Scene Graph/OSG • OpenGL • Vulkan • AR/VR/xR • GIS • osgEarth • LIDAR
• Embedded • Mobile • iPhone/iPad/iOS • Android
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