[osg-users] Why are the two osg::Polytope results different when using the transform method?

mirr...@gmail.com mirro187 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 13 03:34:39 PST 2021

        osg::Matrixd proj = osg::Matrixd::identity();
proj.makePerspective(60, frustumAspectWidth/frustumAspectHeight, 
frustumNear, frustumFar);
const double mynear = proj(3, 2) / (proj(2, 2) - 1.0);
const double myfar = proj(3, 2) / (1.0 + proj(2, 2));
const double nLeft = mynear * (proj(2, 0) - 1.0) / proj(0, 0);
const double nRight = mynear * (1.0 + proj(2, 0)) / proj(0, 0);
const double nTop = mynear * (1.0 + proj(2, 1)) / proj(1, 1);
const double nBottom = mynear * (proj(2, 1) - 1.0) / proj(1, 1);
const double fLeft = myfar * (proj(2, 0) - 1.0) / proj(0, 0);
const double fRight = myfar * (1.0 + proj(2, 0)) / proj(0, 0);
const double fTop = myfar * (1.0 + proj(2, 1)) / proj(1, 1);
const double fBottom = myfar * (proj(2, 1) - 1.0) / proj(1, 1);
        osg::Matrixd ViewM = _view->getCamera()->getInverseViewMatrix();
       osg::Polytope viewFrstumPoly;
osg::Vec3d pt[9];
pt[1] = osg::Vec3d(nLeft, nBottom,  -mynear)*ViewM ;
pt[2] = osg::Vec3d(nRight, nBottom, -mynear)*ViewM ;
pt[3] = osg::Vec3d(nRight, nTop, -mynear)*ViewM ;

         osg::Polytope viewFrstumPoly2;
         osg::Vec3d pt[9];
         pt[1] = osg::Vec3d(nLeft, nBottom,  -mynear);
         pt[2] = osg::Vec3d(nRight, nBottom, -mynear) ;
         pt[3] = osg::Vec3d(nRight, nTop, -mynear);
          viewFrstumPoly2 .transform(ViewM);


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