[osg-users] osgviewer: unable to find a plugin for jpg

OpenSceneGraph Users osg-users at lists.openscenegraph.org
Wed Oct 21 03:34:22 PDT 2020

On Wed, 21 Oct 2020 at 09:35, OpenSceneGraph Users <
osg-users at lists.openscenegraph.org> wrote:

> Hello, i trying to load model and watch him with the osgviewer.
> I have in the folder all of the files to load it and the textures.
> But, when I run the osgviewer with the model its loading it but the images
> not.
> It's writing me "InputStream::readImage(): Unable to find a plugin for jpg"
> Someone know if there is a way to add this plugin?

>From the details provided we can determine what is wrong, you'll need to do
more checks at your end.

It may be that you have the jpeg plugin already and it's just not on your
search path.  How did you build the OSG?  Where did you install it?  Have
you set any paths to find binaries and libraries associated with the OSG?

The plugins are located in a osgPlugins-version directory.  The jpeg plugin
will be in the form osgdb_jpeg.so / osgdb_jpeg.dll.

One tool you can use to find out where the OSG is looking for plugins is to
enable verbose console output by setting the env var OSG_NOTIFY_LEVEL to
DEBUG and then run your application with your data. You don't mention
anything about what platform you are using so I can't say what the best way
to set the env vars might be in your case.

The DEBUG console output will include all the paths checked for loading
plugins and files.  Look output for the jpeg plugin amongst the list and
the paths checked.

If you built the OSG yourself then check the CMake settings to see if it's
found libjpeg.
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