[osg-users] need help compiling statically

OpenSceneGraph Users osg-users at lists.openscenegraph.org
Wed May 27 15:59:56 PDT 2020

For static linking, you’ll almost certainly need to specify ALL dependent libs. For example, I see osgText there but no reference to freetype or fontconfig. Generally this is where using a build system like CMake has advantages since it will know the full list of dependencies.

Generally, if I’m dealing with some library libfoo.a with unknown dependencies, I look at the undefined globals and try to infer their source. So 

    nm -g —undefined-only libfoo.a | c++filt

and have a look at what is missing.

> On 28/05/2020, at 6:28 AM, OpenSceneGraph Users <osg-users at lists.openscenegraph.org> wrote:
> So, no ideas?
> On Friday, May 15, 2020 at 4:57:52 AM UTC-3, Rodrigo Dias wrote:
> Now I get that long list of "undefined reference" through many of OSG source files (can paste it here, if you need). I've read somewhere that the order of libraries are important, so I've tried them in the order given by "make":

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