[osg-users] Export GLTF from OSG?

OpenSceneGraph Users osg-users at lists.openscenegraph.org
Thu Mar 19 14:29:09 PDT 2020

OK, so I’ve gone a bit further with this, and have ported some core pieces of the glTF plugin from osgEarth into osg itself. It’s functional and I’d like to push this back to the core repo soon. Any particular process to follow for contributions like this?

Current work here: https://github.com/MozillaReality/OpenSceneGraph/tree/gltf-plugin

In terms of functionality, I’ve so far not ported the support provided by osgEarth for fetching glTF remote resources, i.e. it currently works only with local textures etc. This means that it doesn’t yet load b3dm files either, but I intend to add these capabilities soon.

Kind regards,

> On 9/03/2020, at 4:43 PM, OpenSceneGraph Users <osg-users at lists.openscenegraph.org> wrote:
> Without looking at the source too closely, is there any reason why this couldn’t be included as an OSG plugin rather than an osgEarth plugin?
> Kind regards,
> Phil.
>> On 18/02/2020, at 2:11 PM, OpenSceneGraph Users <osg-users at lists.openscenegraph.org <mailto:osg-users at lists.openscenegraph.org>> wrote:
>> We have a gltf importer/exporter that we use in osgearth based on tinygltf.   It works really well although we're really only targeting gltf files produced to support rendering 3d tiles datasets.  So for example we havent done anything with animation since that's not a big part of 3dtiles.   Give it a look and see if you might be able to use it.
>> It's in the in development 3.0 version of osgearth here:  https://github.com/gwaldron/osgearth/tree/3.0/src/osgEarthDrivers/gltf <https://github.com/gwaldron/osgearth/tree/3.0/src/osgEarthDrivers/gltf>
>> Jason

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