[osg-users] Are there features to help detect bad data?

OpenSceneGraph Users osg-users at lists.openscenegraph.org
Fri Mar 13 06:01:03 PDT 2020

I've found the Windows Nvidia drivers to be really bad about actually reporting OpenGL errors unless you create a debug context. It's possible that doing that will reveal something. You might have to tweak OSG itself to do that, though. My application creates the context with SDL2 and then connects it to OSG, so I've not had do so it with push alone.

Also, when I've wanted to know the cause of (rather than just the existence of) an error, it's been easier to do so via a debug callback than basic error checking as you get the full call stack and sometimes a descriptive error string. This page explains how to set that up with OSG: http://thermalpixel.github.io/opengl/osg/2014/02/06/gl-khr-debug-in-osg.html

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