[osg-users] Are there features to help detect bad data?

OpenSceneGraph Users osg-users at lists.openscenegraph.org
Fri Mar 13 02:18:52 PDT 2020

Hi Vaillancourt

On Fri, 13 Mar 2020 at 09:00, OpenSceneGraph Users <
osg-users at lists.openscenegraph.org> wrote:

> We've recently been having some intermittent crashes ("hangs"--Windows
> shuts down the process after a 2 seconds freeze in the graphics API)
> occurring in the nVidia's OpenGL dll. Google searches revealed that this
> can occur if we supply bad data to OpenGL.

Do you see any OpenGL errors reported?  The OSG checks once per frame for

> Are there features in OSG to detect such incorrect data in our models?
> Concurrent vertices, bad normals, bad UVs, etc.--stuff that could be
> correct or incorrect if defaulted (the crash is intermittent)?

There are places where values are checked but there isn't a specific class
for general checking of validity of data, such errors are so open ended I
don't think you have one validator to rule them all.

One way of checking things is to convert the data to that ascii .osgt
format using osgconv and then inspect the data to see if there are any
oddities.  The files could be quite large so I'd suggest starting with
small models that you know are causing problems and have a look at these

It would also be worth trying things out on a different OS, hardware,
drivers etc, to see if there are any correlations.

In essence you need to try out different strategies to tease out the cause
of the problem, once you understand the specifics of the problem you can
start to craft a solution.

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