[osg-users] How do I move a Texture in an model of Openflight format (.flt) in the UV direction?

Dae Woo Ryu osgforum at tevs.eu
Sun Sep 22 22:30:21 PDT 2019

Hi, Nick

The reason I did _geom-> setUseVertexBufferObjects (true) was because the return value of _coord->getBufferObject() was NULL.
So I added _geom-> setUseVertexBufferObjects (true) .

Here is the cloud model I am testing(.flt).
Can you move the cloud texture on the surface in uv direction?

> Hi,
> I don't think you should call  _geom->setUseVertexBufferObjects(true); here. I bet the flt plugin is setting this on creation time. If you have a use case code you can share and the model it will help more for me to see what is going on

Read this topic online here:

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