[osg-users] VertexAttribDivisor -- should it be part of the VAO state?

Julien Valentin julienvalentin51 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 20 04:20:11 PDT 2019

You are right,
To comply with spec
VertexAttribDivisor should be part of the VertexArrayState

gwaldron wrote:
> Robert et al.,
> Consider: Should the VertexAttribDivisor be stored in the VAO state?
> I'm running into issues where a VertexAttribDivisor (high in the scene graph) is getting lost when drawing various sets of instanced geometries in a scene. It happens when a new VAO is bound via glBindVertexArray. 
> The divisor is really a property of the Array. I am thinking that it should be set in osg::Array and then applied in Geometry::drawVertexArraysImplementation.
> Hope to hear your thoughts.
> Glenn Waldron / osgEarth
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