[osg-users] Deactivate cull mask testing

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Mon Jul 29 05:21:23 PDT 2019

Hi Catalin,

On Mon, 29 Jul 2019 at 09:54, Catalin Flower <inbox.icf at gmail.com> wrote:

> I was trying to evaluate the impact of cull mask testings on rendering. We
> have large number of objects, and when hide them by using cull mask on the
> camera the frame rate goes up only 4-6 fps. I was expecting more.

The NodeMask/CullMask is an operation is done with the Node::accept()
implementation for all node types, even when you override it with the mask,
it still does the same check, it'll just pass in all the bits are
overridden on.

As for performance bottlenecks, there are many different things that can
cause bottlenecks, the osgViewer::StatsHandler onscreen stats can be
helpful, as can experimenting with window sizes, watching what happens when
you move around your scene.  What you want to do is figure out what might
be the biggest bottleneck and then home in on that with more specific tests
to tease out what is going on.

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